June 10, 2012 Great Falls, Day 1
Ugh! What a day! It started off well enough with both RV's getting gassed up and on the road by 9 a.m. but it went downhill from there. It was sunny, chilly and very windy as we took Rt 87 north toward Great Falls. This is is good road, but we got behind 4 big red trucks who seemed to find 45 MPH to be their top speed. It was SO frustrating! There was no way to pass them as it was a 2 lane highway. Then there was a 22 mile detour because a bridge was out. Then the rain started. GRRRRR . The trucks finally pulled off to the side of the road about 50 miles from Great Falls...thank heavens.
Following Barb and Gary (and 4 red trucks). |
Is that a sunset? Maybe tomorrow will be better! |
It will get better. BBE